It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…Those words that began one of histories great novels (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities) could very well reflect some of the sentiment that is going on now world markets and industries.As bad as things sound, and between all the talk and banter of worldwide recession, financial meltdowns, global meltdown and the imminent end of the world in general, the telecommunications industry’s future seems quite bright, thank you very much.In fact, worldwide telecommunications industry revenues are expected to grow at a healthy rate of eight percent over the next 5 years, according to a new market analysis study done by INSIGHT Research Corporation.Telecommunications revenue, including narrowband and broadband landline, wireless and cellular services, as well as Internet communications are expected to grow from $2.1 trillion in 2008 to more than $3 trillion by 2013 even as margins on traditional voice-related products continue contracting and the industry responds by shifting to an Internet Protocol (IP) communications fabric.With voice revenues shrinking faster than carriers’ abilities to cut costs, landline and cellular companies are turning to IP technology to help reduce overal costs of operations. The upside of this shift to IP communications technologies is that customers should see a downward trend in costs over the next half decade. The downside is that networks will be increasingly more susceptible to outside attacks, an alarming issue that was rarely seen or considered in traditional phone networks of the past 100 years.”The Future of Telecommunications 2008-2013″ evaluates revenue and subscriber growth in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Americas, and Africa. Capital expenditures are also estimated by region and equipment class.The full 119-page report contains considerable detail, but you can download a free report excerpt, table of contents to decide on purchasing or not. The report does not come cheap – a hard copy will set you back $3995. PDF copies are also available at a discount.Get your free sample, excerpt, table of contents here, or call (973) 541-9600 for more details.
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